Monday, March 8, 2010

Google Wave

-- Google wave is Google's latest version of a chat room. It is an advanced combination of a chat room, instant messenger, and email that we are oh so familiar with today. You are able to send documents, pictures, videos, etc. It is new the safe version of a "chat room" provided by Google.

-- The technology is a little bit more advanced that what we are use to in a normal chat room. Google Wave allows people to send all sorts of files easily without any problems. There are options to directly send documents, pictures, songs, videos, maps, etc. through the Chat. You can also look back at previous messages between people as well as view what a person is typing in real time. The real plus to Google Wave is that it runs in real life time, so it allows students to work together at the same time to communicate and collaborate.

-- Students are able to use Google Wave with it's tools to help them with group projects and communicating with a safe and easy way over the internet. Also everything that they need or have to send one another can be easily added to Google Wave to get to each member. It also inspires open debate between students online. These features encourage students to find a way to collaborate and discuss with others through the new generation of technology.

-- I really think as simple as Google Wave might sound, it is going to be a beneficial tool for students with learning, collaborating, and working with the internet to talk to others. I am always a huge fan of Google's programs. They are free and easy, and very accessible for students to use and take advantage of the learning possibilities with them. They also come in handy for projects and assignments in the future.

Here is a little preview/overview of Google Wave

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