Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Our Teeth and How pH Effects Them

Part I:
-- Our Teeth and What We Drink Module #9
-- Apryl Casetter, Taylor Freeman, and Heather Sarles
-- As a group, you test 4 different liquids (tea, soda, tap water, and cranberry juice) and find the pH of each of each of the substances with a sensor device and computer program. After testing the pH there are question for further investigation.
-- As a group, we tested the 4 different liquids (tea, soda, tap water, and cranberry juice) and found the pH of each of the substances using a sensor tool and computer program. After that we took pictures of each of the results from the pH computer program for evidence. After we did online research to answer further investigation questions based off the experiment we had just performed.

Part II:
-- Further Investigation Questions:
Our first question was, "What is pH in laymen's terms? We answered as a group, "pH is a system of measurement in order to find the acidity of a substance. The scale for acidity ranges from 0 to 14. The lower the number the more acidic a solution is. The higher the number, the more basic a solution is. The number 7 is neutral, so anything over 7 would be considered basic, and anything below 7 would be considered acidic". The second question that we were asked was "What are the typical rangers in pH that are ideal/healthy for the human tooth"? We then answered "Tooth material loss can begin with drinks that have a pH level of 5.5 or lower. The lower the pH level, the less acidic the beverage is". The third questions that we were asked was "How do more acidic or basic substances/beverages affect teeth"? We answered "Acidic beverages/substances dissolve the calcium out of the teeth enamel in a process called demineralization leaving a breeding ground for bacteria. Once bacteria settles in the tooth cavities begin to form". Our fourth question was "Why would this matter and how would knowin about the pH levels of what we drink affect the health of our teeth"? We then answered "Since pH disintegrates your enamel, it is important to know what you drink and the area of pH of the drink. This will let you know how it effects your teeth. Constantly drinking a very acidic drink like soda or cranberry juice would deteriorate your teeth over a period of time even with proper care. There is a reason why dentists might ask if you constantly drink something really acidic like soda, because it shows up on the teeth and ruins the health of them. Drinking something really acidic is okay, just make sure you take care of your teeth, and drink it in moderation". Our last and final question that was asked was "What do the graphs tell us about what each of these beverages would do tot our teeth if we drank each about 1-2 times a day"? We concluded with a group that, "Soda would be the worst for your teeth because of how acidic it is. When we tested the pH we saw that it was about 2.43, which on the pH scale is very low. Cranberry juice was almost as acidic with a pH of 2.97. So, cranberry juice is almost as bad for your teeth as soda because of its low acidity. Tea is the next acidic with a pH of 4.98 which is still not good for your teeth but definitely better than the soda or juice. Last is tap water, which has a ph of about 6.36. On the pH scale a 7 is in between a base and an acid, so, the tap would not be as bad for your teeth because it is almost a base".

Monday, March 8, 2010


-- Plurk is a social networking and blogging tool that is very similar to Twitter. It allows people to post little comments for others to "plurk" or respond to. This allows for teachers and students to communicate between each other in a safe community, as well as look at what everyone has to say or feel about a certain topic.

-- Plurk is very similar to Twitter. It allows you to instantly post messages and comments for others who are your friends to read. The only thing that is different from Twitter is the format as well as the community that allows you to view your Plurk page. Plurk is also much more instant than Twitter is.

-- Students will be able to communicate with people in their classroom as well as their teacher through Plurk. It gives the students a place to communicate and collaborate with one another. It is very fun and instant. This would be a more efficient way of communicating through the internet and at a fast pace to get information, thoughts, and feelings through to many people at once.

-- Here is a tutorial video for Plurk

Voice Thread

-- Voice Thread is a new programs which allows teachers or students to collaborate and create presentations. You are able to create a presentation where you add images, documents or videos, along with some kind of audio content like voice, music, webcam, etc. In the end you will be able to present your presentation and allow others to collaborate on it and view it.

-- There is so much technology that is used with voice thread. It is a presentation tool that allows you to include pretty much any kind of media in the project. It allows you to make a presentation full of any kind of media out there and allow others to view it and collaborate on it. That is a huge feature that other presentation programs don't let you do. Also, all the collaboration will be together to view and discuss.

-- Students will be able to use this as a learning tool for a topic. Also teachers could makes these for the students. They allow students to make technology advanced presentations for a specific topic to show how much they have learned and show it in their own creative way. It is a great source for a more efficient and effective learning on their subject or topic as well as collaborating and helping others and themselves. It will be a fun project for students to show off their creativity with a boring thing like a presentation.

-- I think this is such a fun learning tool. It seems very easy as well as creative and effective for learning. It allows students to interact in a fun way and a creative way.

-- Here is a little tutorial made by Radford University on Voice Threads

Google Wave

-- Google wave is Google's latest version of a chat room. It is an advanced combination of a chat room, instant messenger, and email that we are oh so familiar with today. You are able to send documents, pictures, videos, etc. It is new the safe version of a "chat room" provided by Google.

-- The technology is a little bit more advanced that what we are use to in a normal chat room. Google Wave allows people to send all sorts of files easily without any problems. There are options to directly send documents, pictures, songs, videos, maps, etc. through the Chat. You can also look back at previous messages between people as well as view what a person is typing in real time. The real plus to Google Wave is that it runs in real life time, so it allows students to work together at the same time to communicate and collaborate.

-- Students are able to use Google Wave with it's tools to help them with group projects and communicating with a safe and easy way over the internet. Also everything that they need or have to send one another can be easily added to Google Wave to get to each member. It also inspires open debate between students online. These features encourage students to find a way to collaborate and discuss with others through the new generation of technology.

-- I really think as simple as Google Wave might sound, it is going to be a beneficial tool for students with learning, collaborating, and working with the internet to talk to others. I am always a huge fan of Google's programs. They are free and easy, and very accessible for students to use and take advantage of the learning possibilities with them. They also come in handy for projects and assignments in the future.

Here is a little preview/overview of Google Wave