Sunday, February 7, 2010

-- Some may think that iGoogle and Delicious are the same thing. Well, you are wrong. Delicious is a website where you are able to easily bookmark anything from the internet you might find. A simple way of describing what Delicious actually is, is by saying that it's your own personalized portable bookmark for the internet.
-- There are many things that you can do with Delicious and technology. Delicious is a place where you can store all of your personal bookmarks from any website you might come across. The nice thing about Delicious is that any computer you go to, you will be able to find all the websites you have booked marked and be able to access them from any computer. This allows you to access your favorite websites from anywhere in the world as long as you have a computer and internet. Also, you are able to "tag" your websites. This means that Delicious automatically organizes your pages so you will be able to find them easily when you start to accumulate a bunch of bookmarks.
-- Teachers have found this website very nice for both themselves and for their classroom. Teachers like this for their classroom because they are able to share the websites they have found with their students. I remember one of my teachers using Delicious in high school. She would make us go to a certain link in her delicious and read the articles she found on a topic we were studying. Students are able to access information from a teacher without having to print out a reading or activity to do.
-- Here is a demo for

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